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How To Fill Out The Courier Waybill Correctly?

Release time:2019-10-31 17:59:33

Express delivery has now become a part of our lives. However, such things as express delivery are common. Many people lose their shipments but cannot protect their legitimate rights and interests. Near the double eleven, when everyone buys things, the Logistics Waybills Supplier will tell you how to fill out the express delivery form to protect their legitimate rights and interests?


1. Choosing a courier company: The lawyer recommends that the first choice service is good, and the courier company with security guarantees that the court approves the information that is true and legally superior to other courier companies.


2. Sender: If it is an individual, it is best to send it by yourself, write the address and contact number. For example, A and the developer signed a house sale contract, and the developer did not complete the house transfer formalities within the time agreed in the contract. A can send a shipment to the developer to ask the other party to complete the transfer procedures. At this point, the sender is best to be A (even if it is not a person, it is best to entrust a lawyer instead of other friends). Otherwise, the developer may defend against the fact that the sender's information does not correspond (reject) to the contracting party. In the case of a company, the sender can write the legal representative name or write the company name directly.


3. Recipient and recipient address: If the other party is an organization such as a company or an individual industrial and commercial household, if the address is specified in the contract, the address indicated in the contract is the address of the recipient; if there is no clear address, the organization is in the industry and commerce. The registered address of the administrative organ is the receiving address; the recipient can write the name of the legal representative and the name of the person in charge. If the other party is an individual, the address is first indicated by the contract as the receiving address. If there is no contract (or the contract is not written), the address on the ID card is the receiving address.


4. Detailed description of the mail (internal product name): This column of information is especially important! Be sure to write out what documents are sent. If you just write a document or do nothing, then the shipment in the court is also difficult to be validated by the court as valid evidence. For example, if creditor A asks debtor B to repay the loan, it should be written here as “a letter about A’s request for repayment of XX debt” (you can refine the letter B on the side of XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, Still waiting). Or if: A pays the purchase price to Party B, and Party B delays the delivery of the goods, then A can write in the name of the internal product as “a letter about A requesting B to fulfill the XX (shipping) obligation in the XX contract as soon as possible”.


5. Make a copy of all the letters sent and save the sender's certificate of deposit, record the list number. Regardless of whether the other party signs or not, the EMS official website will print the delivery information as soon as possible (the online delivery information will only be stored for half a year). In this way, the letter, the mailing list, and the delivery information can form a complete chain of evidence to the other party to fulfill the obligation or make a claim, and the winning lawsuit is also more secure!


The above is about how to fill out the Courier Waybill. Express delivery is part of people's lives, but the contents of the express mail should be used as evidence in civil litigation and accepted by the court. The above tips on sending express mail, in addition to the need for rights protection, it is recommended that friends who work in the company can also learn, so that they can protect themselves and avoid unnecessary troubles.


If you have a need for express delivery, you can contact us. We can provide you with various types of waybills including express waybills, Air Waybill, etc., which will surely meet your needs. Welcome.


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